
  • Seller Representation

    How much is your business worth?

  • Mergers & Acquisitions

    JH Business Advisors has an extensive network of advisors and professionals that are multiple segments that use their expertise to help realize mid-market deals.

  • Buyer Representation

    Our businesses for sale are carefully selected to be sure these are opportunities we feel confident in representing.

  • Business Valuations

    Our qualified professionals help to value and prepare your business for an eventual sale.

Our Services

JH Business Advisors is a full service Business Brokerage, Offering unparalleled representation to business owners looking to exit. We pride ourselves in our attentiveness, and our systems in place. We can proudly say, no one offers the type of service we are able to offer to our clients.

We take pride in what we do, and love what we do. We encourage you to give us a call for yourself, and continue browsing our website, to get more information on what it is we do for you, the seller.

We are constantly turning inventory, and encourage you to subscribe to our monthly newsletter, to be informed when new opportunities fitting your requirements, come on board.

There is a very good chance, that if the business or opportunity you’re looking for isn’t for sale, we can go find it for you! We love staying in touch with entrepreneurs looking to acquire businesses, and will be sure we don’t send any junk mail your way!

JH Business advisors offers a plethora of valuation services, if you’re looking to get a snapshot of your businesses current value. We put together very detailed analyses, and love establishing relationships with future clients.

Continue browsing around our site. We look forward to hearing from you soon!